Yes, I finally have some photos to share! These are by no means going to be the last photos of this outfit, especially since A-fest is this coming weekend and this is my main costume, but a few are better than nothing! Enjoy. ^^

July 8, 2008
It always seems like so much more time has passed between updates than actually has. It would be nice if that meant I was getting soooo much done that I just couldn't keep track of the time, but no.
I have, however, managed to get my Orden uniform up to 90% complete! I added all the pins to the jacket, added some decorative chains and such, and embellished the shirt. I also found the perfect solution for the embroidery on the cuffs, where it says "Rosen Creuz Orden". Yes, I know, it should be spelled Kreuz, but all the artwork has it spelled with a C. :-/ My German blood wants to spell it correctly, but the cosplayer in me is louder, so I spelled it with a C.

Anyway, below are some pictures of the 90% RCO Caterina. There's a full-length shot and a closeup on the front of the jacket so you can see all the detail work. The only thing I can't really add yet are the arm patches, since I've decided to get them commissioned. I'll probably end up getting them at the last minute before the Con, as usual. :p

Well, it took a couple of days, but I finally managed to get all the pins for my uniform finished. I made them out of silver/gray Sculpy, which I then spray painted with a highly metallic silver paint. I had no idea it was going to be that shiny, but I like shiny, so I'm okay with it.
I'm really pleased with how they turned out. I know there are some places I could have cut corners, especially with the roses (I sculpted them by hand instead of just using little fabric roses from the store), but I think the extra effort really paid off.

The only thing I'm going to tweak is my iron cross. The paint is a little thin, so I'll probably go back tomorrow and add another coat.
I've also been working on sketching out the arm patches. I have the rough shape for them both, I just need to go back in and add some detail. I've pretty much decided to get one of the ladies from the Husqvarna Viking store to embroider it for me, that way I know I'll get a good quality patch. I was toying with the idea of painting them onto swatches of fabric, but I really want embroidered patches, so I'll have them! In all honesty, the patches will probably be the very last thing I get done on this costume since I have no money to commission them right now. At least I'm getting something done, though.

So, I've been looking back at my old RKO Caterina, and it's high time it got a good redo. I'm still pleased with the main bit of it, overall, but there are allot of things still missing ...insignia, medallions, etc. It's small stuff, but it really makes the costume stand out. I also want to go back and redo all of the bias binding. The silver satin that I used originally is a bit dull, and it doesn't have the pop factor that I want. I don't want to use white ribbon because that seems just a bit too crisp, so I'll have to find some silver ribbon that makes me happy.
And I get to make another hat. Bwahaha!
I never did make the cuffs because I ran out of fabric, so I have to find a matching fabric to use since what I chose is now discontinued. >.< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

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