Thursday, December 4, 2008

Upcoming Events

What's on the menu for December? Quite a bit!

First off, it's Dickens on the Strand, the annual Victorian Christmas festival down in Galveston, Texas. I've never been to it before, but from what I've heard it's a fantastic festival with all sorts of goodies to be had. I really wish that I could make it to the Ball that's held along with the festivities, but alas! the tickets are $50/person. O.o Never the less, I'm excited about it.

Secondly, there's the Gothic&Lolita Christmas Party. There's going to be a White Elephant gift exchange, cake and tea, the fabulous SkyPirate is going to be snapping photos of us, and, best of all, we're going to be in Gothic&Lolita Bible! I'm absurdly excited about this, and have a new dress planned out for it.

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