But, despite that, I do have a few things to share. We're nearing the end of the year, which means that the cosplay list for 2012 is starting to come together! I'm planning to venture out to quite a few more out-of-state cons next year, and my wonderful friends are planning to go along with me to some of them, which means group cosplays! Here are some of the tentative plans for next year.
Costume Con 2012 - May - Tempe Arizona:
Evil queen from the upcoming Snow White movie! I've become slightly obsessed with this gown, so I might as well give myself a deadline so I actually complete it and it doesn't end up languishing half-finished in the Stash.
Mina's red gown from Dracula. I've always loved it, and dammit, I'm going to make it! 2012 is shaping up to be the Year of Red Gowns.
Mina's blue gown from Dracula. This gown didn't really strike me when I watched the movie as much as it did when I researched it later on. I adore the embroidery all over the bodice. The dress itself isn't really that complicated, so I have high hopes to have it done quickly.
San Diego Comic Con - July - San Diego, California:
Catwoman from Arkham City. This is for a group cosplay with my friend/photographer and her fella. I wish Harley Quinn would have been free, but Erin claimed Harley for herself. But, the more I research this costume, the more I like it. It's very intricate and detailed, with lots of fiddly seams and such. I think it'll be a fun project, once I actually figure out what the hell I'm doing.
I've always loved the classic pin-up look of the Sally Jupiter/Silk Spectre I costume. I definitely want to bombshell it up with this one.
This list is ever evolving and shifting, with ideas coming and going constantly, but these are the few I'm pretty sure about. Of course, there are a handful of local cons and there's always TrekCon in Vegas, for which I have a thousand tentative ideas. I promise I'll have some sewing news...soon...ish.
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