Saturday, June 22, 2013

Jupiter Veteran Uniform from Star Trek Online

I'm not a gamer. I might play a video game at the behest of friends, go for maybe half an hour, and then lose interest. It's just not my thing. I've had friends trying to get me to play Star Trek: Online for a while, but like I said, I'm not a gamer, and MMOs definitely aren't my thing.

But, when I started looking for a new Starfleet uniform to make, STO was the first thing that popped into mind. What better place to find a large number of new uniforms and uniform variants? So, I started digging, and eventually, I came across this:

It's called the Jupiter Veteran uniform variant, and I was instantly drawn to it. It has the sharp, professional looks of the Wrath of Khan uniform (my personal favourite), with the sleek and modern look of the grey-shouldered First Contact uniforms. It was definitely a winner! First thing I did was make a costume drawing so I could work out how it all went together.

I started patterning the thing almost immediately. I quickly found out that this uniform is a complete beast. There are so many fiddly little panels, piping, quilted things, color changes, and weird seam lines, that this could only have come from the mind of a complete lunatic. (Or, you know, game designers that don't give a flying flip if their super cool uniform translates into real world materials.) Thankfully, I'm no stranger to untangling absurd designs, so after a bit of finagling, I finally managed to make a usable pattern!

Don't be fooled by how simple the pattern looks, it's actually a whopping 25 pieces. The lines are drawn, they just need to be cut out.

I took a bit of a break from the uniform to do some cleaning of the sewing room. I had fully intended to dive right into buying materials and sewing the uniform up, but sharing a car meant that I had to wait. It was a good thing, too, because while I was organizing my fabrics, I managed to find everything that I needed to make the uniform, so this will end up being entirely a Stash Dash project! 

Work on the uniform resumes soon, after which I hope to have some fun pics of the uniform looking absolutely atrocious, as things usually do when they're in-progress. XD

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that does look like it was designed by a lunatic. How is the flap thing in the front supposed to close so smoothly? How could all those weird shapes fit together around someone's torso?

    It will be fascinating to see that crazy pattern sewn up. You do such huge, complicated projects! It's very inspiring.

