Sunday, December 29, 2019

2019 in Review

Video Recap!


  • Brown 1890s petticoat
  • Blue damask stays

Wow, I did a whole lot of nothing this year. I managed to finish a UFO pair of stays, make a new petticoat that isn't at all how I imagined it would be, and make two dresses that I'm pretty okay with. Granted, for the first 3/4 of the year, there was a complete dearth of costume events (or the funds to attend them), but the last quarter has been chock full of opportunities to play dress up, and I still managed to only make two new things. Ah, well.

The new year is upon us! As it looks now, the first part of the year is already loaded with new costume events to look forward to - there's a Victorian museum outing in January, a Regency tea in February, and an 1830s picnic in March - we're getting off to a running start!

The things that did not happen, most obviously, are the wedding stuffs. We've had to postpone our nuptials for the time being because Life Happened, namely being unceremoniously kicked out of our previous living situation and having to spend every penny of our savings, and even more money that we didn't have, getting into a new place ASAP.  It has been an enormously tough year, financially and emotionally, but as the year is coming to a close things are finally starting to settle down.

The one thing that I did manage to do is launch my new YouTube channel, ClusterFrock. I'll be putting a lot of my focus into getting this new endeavor up and running, so look for event recaps, fabric shopping, and costume breakdowns to show up in video form in the near future! Of course, I'll also still be doing text write-ups of all these things, for those of us who like slack off at work and read blogs, and video sounds would totally give us away.

I almost never make my yearly goals, but I still like to list them out. Then, when I do next year's recap, I can revisit my list and see what exactly I was thinking the year would be like, and compare it to how it actually turned out. It's fun! I think.

The Year of the Stash Bust. No new fabrics.
Fabric is expensive, y'all. Luckily, I have a literal storage unit that is packed to the gills with fabric I purchased and didn't end up using, or just bought because it was pretty and I didn't want to miss out on it. So I have fabric. With my mountains of textiles, I should have no problem making it through a single year without any new purchases. Allowances will only be made for $1/yd muslin for patterning efforts, and for notions. I also have a boat load of trim and lace, so no new purchases of that, either! Let the experiment commence!

Make one new costume item every month.
Shouldn't be too hard, right? I had one year where I made 41 pieces, so theoretically 12 should be a breeze. Right?

Make something 1920s.
I totally loathe the 1920s, but we have a '20s themed outing to the museum for an Egyptian exhibit in the fall, so I need to make something. This may not sound like a big deal, but my dislike for this period of fashion cannot be overstated.

Begin embroidering stuff again.
I've been lamenting the fact that I haven't made anything super fancy and decked out in embroidered details lately. I used to have an embroidery project by my side almost all the time, and would work on it when I was watching TV or whatever. Now I just sit and watch the TV and play Two Dots on my phone, which is not productive in any way. I have a capelet and an Elizabethan jacket already planned. We'll see what else I can squeeze into the year.

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