Saturday, August 27, 2011

And now, some Zombies

So, after this week I'll be free and clear of commissions (pics soon), and that means I can get back to my love of fluffy things, like court gowns, kitty cats, and zombies. I went to the first cast meeting for Middlefaire a week or so ago, and was told that, since I'm being crowned on Halloween weekend, I'm going to end up a zombie by the end of the day.
So, what does that mean? Zombie court gown! No, I have no idea what that means. I think I may have bits of flesh peeling off, and be impaled by a sword or something. Maybe an axe. Not sure. Suggestions are more than welcome!
Of course, this means that I have to make yet another gown before Coronation Day. Plus my crown. Plus the cloaks for the King and I! My king, and me, not the musical.
I also found 20 yards of burgundy taffeta that is begging to be a court gown, so that's going to be in the works. Aaand, a day-long marathon of The Aristocrats now has me wanting more 18thC stuff, so I've started work back up on the burgundy silk contouche.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, I was reading some old posts on The Bloggess about the Giant Metal Chicken, and she posted that wikipedia confirmed that 15th anniversary is, in fact, Giant Metal Chicken. Then I noticed that 16th anniversary is 'holloware', and my first thought was "A hollogram is a traditional wedding gift? EMH program?" Which would be totally useful if you are married to someone that's accident prone. Unfortunately, holloware is not holographic emitters or anything like that, but things like silver sugar bowls.

Also, I fail, and have no pictures to share on this post. Expect me to overcompensate next time around.

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