So, I started on the Pointy Crown of Awesome today, trying to only use things that I already had in my stash.
Luckily, I have a bunch of silk scraps in my stash, as well as lots of pearls and jewels and things. So, here's a bit of how I put it all together.

First, I cut out the shape for the headband. As you can see, I drew directly onto the fabric, which was probably a bad idea, but I did it anyway. This piece was then interfaced the some regular old fusible stuff, and wire was added to the edges.

I used some gold coloured aluminium wire that I had left over from my rebato project. It's at Michael's for about $3/package. Being aluminium, it's super flexible, and makes it easy to shape the headband to the wearer's head.

There it is, shaped to the mannequin's head.

I cut two crescent pieces for the front piece, with intentions of wiring them and attaching them to the front of the hood. Which got me this:

Yeeeeahh...not great. So, I tore the crescent off and tried again. This time, I got some cardboard so I could pattern something that would stand up straight. I cut out a crescent just like I had before, except that this time I cut it into sections that I could glue together as I shaped it.

So, I now had a pattern. I used the pattern to cut out a better shaped, taller crescent for each side of the hood.

I cut two of the new crescent pieces and covered them in fabric. The back side was covered with a piece that was the same size as the cardboard, and the front was cut with a 'seam allowance', which was clipped along all the edges and turned to the back before being glued down.

After it was covered with fabric, I went ahead and decorated it while it was lying flat. I added a bit of lace (which was white at the beginning of the day, but which I had spray painted with gold metallic paint), and lots of jewels and pearls. Once that was all finished, I added some prongs that criss-crossed each other, with my precious teardrop pearls on the tops. Those things are so hard to find!

Then, once it was all decorated it, I could just glue it to the front of the hood.

Looking spiffy! Now to do the other side.

Well, crud, I ran out of wire, so the prongs didn't get finished today. But it's looking pretty spiffy! After class tomorrow, I'm going to pick up some more wire and a few more of those orange jewels for the centre piece that's going to sit above the point. Until then!
ReplyDeleteThanks, darling! <3 Just wait until it's finished. :)